Let me tell you about our Nico, the very same Nicolás you got to know and play with as a barely 8 years old kid, and whom you grew up with, and also about our beautiful Tabi, with whom you used to hang out, napping in the old sofa they had in their bedroom.
By know I am sure you guessed it: yes, they had a puppy of their own. Which makes us grandparents, and I guess it makes you an uncle of sorts. His name is Oliver Alejandro Wainer.

So once again we have all the dreams and all the illusions about life children bring under their arms.
We'll have Christmases and birthdays and a whole slew of "firsts" to celebrate and remember for times to come.
We'll have the pleasures, the chores and the heartaches from sharing as much as possible of his incipient life, and when this too solid flesh or ours melts and resolves into a dew, we'll have a small residence in his heart and memory where we can live a little longer together.
Bobo has not met him yet, but the cats seem to like him and I am sure they'll put a good word on his behalf.
That is it for now. As for the rest of us, Mom makes a very beautiful and very happy Granny, Tito is grown very old but still has the same old fiery temper and Fritzy has aged as well, but with her you cannot really tell, you know... turtles...